Team Schedules - Girls 9v9 1&2
Flight Notice:
Co-Commissioners:  Jordan Curcio (Riverside) and Aaron Wollerton (Mars) ***  Jordan: (724) 312-1241 cell/ *** Aaron:  (412) 310-6153 cell/ *** TEAMS IN SUB1 -- Hopewell/Ahart, Riverside/Curcio, Blackhawk/Zundel1, Butler/DeLorenzo, Laurel/Geiwitz, Freeport/Mazur, SV North/Kniess, Mars/Grace ***
TEAMS IN SUB2 -- Wilmington/Hogg, Riverside/TBD, Knoch/Walewski, Butler/Ewell, FAST/Wagner, Freeport/Nanney, SVSA Gators/Gordan, Grove City/Morgante, Blackhawk Zundel2, Mohawk/Logan ***
This schedule is tentative per Covid-19.  Please stand by.  Thank you.

Winner of bracket based on total points after round robin play.



  Tie Breaker Cards
Group -- B1 Win, Loss, Tie  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  Total
Goals AgainstGoals ForGoal Diff

Blackhawk Z1 : Blackhawk G12 08 9v9/Zundel1 W-0   L-0   T-0      x0 0  0  0  0 0
Butler - KD : Butler GU11-D6/DeLorenzo W-0   L-0   T-0      x0 0  0  0  0 0
Freeport - Mazur : Freeport-Girls Mazur D6 08-09 W-0   L-0   T-0      x0 0  0  0  0 0
Hopewell : Hopewell U12 G - Ahart 9v9 W-0   L-0   T-0      x0 0  0  0  0 0
Laurel : Laurel - G2008 - Geiwitz W-0   L-0   T-0      x0 0  0  0  0 0
Mars : Mars - G2009 U11 9v9/Grace W-0   L-0   T-0       0 0  0  0  0 0
Riverside - Curcio : Riverside 2008G - Curcio W-0   L-0   T-0      x0 0  0  0  0 0
SV North : SV North - G2008 D6 KNIESS W-0   L-0   T-0       0 0  0  0  0 0

Data not published yet.